Wivenhoe Bookshop Magazine & Newsletter | Tuesday 22 October 2024

Philosophy Breakfasts

Philosophy Breakfasts in the Bookshop Shed

with Dr Nicholas Joll

Saturdays 10.00 – 11.30

Each new Philosophy Breakfast series (usually a five week course) will be posted in the Bookshop’s forthcoming events programme when the set of course topics have been confirmed and bookings for that particular course are open. Each new course series will also be publicised in advance through our Mailchimp mailouts, so please make sure you are subscribed to the list.

If you have any further enquiries about Philosophy Breakfasts please email us on info@wivenhopebooks.com

The 2022 fee for each course series is £70 and includes a continental breakfast of croissants, conserves and fresh coffee.
The Philosophy Breakfast courses generally run for a half-termly periods each of five sessions.

You do not need to have have attended a previous course.

No prior reading is required: in each session, the passages at issue will be distributed as handouts. Nor even is any prior acquaintance with philosophy required.

Previous courses have covered topics such as:


  • Moral obligation
  • Political obligation
  • Religion
  • Life
  • Physics
  • Ethics
  • God and fate
  • Culture and value
  • Adventures of the dialectic: into the Hegelian system
  • History and world-spirit
  • Mind and world
  • Ethics and politics: the actual and the rational
  • Philosophy, religion and the death of art
  • Dialectic of enlightenment
  • The culture industry
  • Minima moralia
  • Negative dialectic
  • Aesthetic theory
  • Being-in-the-world
  • Death, time, authenticity
  • Nazism
  • ‘Things’
  • Technology
  • Aesthetics
  • Utilitarian ethics
  • Progressive politics
  • Reality & knowledge
  • Science & logic
  • Philosophy versus science?
  • God
  • The universe
  • Death
  • Life
  • Mind and body
  • Identity
  • The metaphysics of morals
  • Idealism
  • Truth
  • Introducing aesthetics
  • Knowledge and truth
  • Ethics and Politics